By Brandwatch

Social Media Analysis of Top Brands

Access social media data and metrics of top brands. Check out AI powered insights on competitors' overall startegy and get a detailed analysis report.

Unique Pricing Model

Flexible plans for brands and agencies. No Audience size restrictions. Unlimited users.

Human Powered Analysis

Along with Xia, our AI, a team of human analysts go through thousands of brand posts to give data a qualitative edge.

API Access

Feed Unmetric’s competitive intelligence into your in-house tools or dashboards with our API.

Dedicated Client Service

We’ll make you comfortable with the platform and ensure your business goals are met.

Historical Data from 2012

Get years of historical data for over 100,000 brands and learn from what worked in the past.

Facebook Insights

Plug in your Facebook Insights into Unmetric Analyze and access all your data in one place.

Our Partners

We partner with leading marketing products to ensure all your social media efforts are streamlined.

  • Salesforce
  • Kantar Media
  • Brandwatch
  • Oracle
  • Hootsuite
  • Percolate

Plans start at $1,000/month

Email us at [email protected] for customized pricing.

All plans include:

  • Data from All Major Social Networks

  • No Restriction on Audience Size

  • Unlimited Users