How do brands engage their audiences for Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is a great time for brands to promote their products and to connect with their audience. We analyzed Mother’s Day related social media posts by brands on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram from 2013 through 2018 using our Analyze and Discover platforms and distilled our findings in an infographic format.

Here are some of the key findings from analyzing the most engaging social media posts around Mother’s Day:

  • Around 87 percent of the Instagram posts on that list contained images, leading to 2 times more interactions on Instagram compared with Facebook and a whopping 90 times more than Twitter.
  • 12% of posts by brands were boosted on Facebook.
  • Mother’s Day posts on Twitter by brands received less than 1% of the overall interactions.
  • The Hospitality industry dominated the conversation around Mother’s Day on social media.

Read through the infographic for more insights on how brands engage with their audience for Mother’s Day.

Get inspired for your Mother’s Day social campaigns

For more social media campaign and content ideas on how to leverage major holidays and events, check out Unmetric Discover – the world’s largest branded content catalog that helps you explore over 1 billion pieces of branded content posted by more than 100,000 major brands in the last 5 years.