Time For A Content Makeover? 3 Lessons From Top Fashion Brands On Pinterest

Pinterest is about more than just looking pretty; it is also a sociological experiment. Looking at Unmetric’s chart busters, you know who we think has really caught on to this open secret? Fashion Brands. That’s right – En Vogues, Divas, Hipsters and Prepsters everywhere have discovered that more than a technology, Pinterest is an outlet for the sharing and scrapbooking predilections of humans in a fun, easy and elegant way. Already, much has been written and said about Pinterest playing with our traditional understanding of copyright and attribution. In fact, Pinterest has had to make the technical changes to its interface to reflect legal offline realities. However we must not forget that beyond being a mere visual medium, Pinterest is also a social network that grasps our love to archive material and play show-and-tell.

The high correlation between pretty pictures and people wanting to look at pretty pictures may appear to be the obvious deduction behind fashion brands leading the way on Pinterest. Yet, there is more than what meets the eye in what fashion brands get up to on Pinterest. Here are 3 ways brands across industries can leverage the Unmetric Platform to take a page, a look, and a pin from the fashion world’s content playbook:

1) Jump on Board.

Get a sense of the Pinterest boards that really resonate for a brand. With the number of pins, repins, likes and comments on each board at your fingertips, discover the nuances of both, categorizing content appropriately, and the diversity in types of content posted by brands on Pinterest. Take a look at the fashion brands below for a flavor of different strategies that work:

Lifestyle. Lifestyle. Lifestyle:

Brands are not limited to their products. Their appeal crosses over to where and when their products are in use, how people using them feel and the vibe that comes with a sense of ownership. Michael Kors captures these sentiments in their Pinterest strategies. With boards dedicated to traveling and the city, Michael Kors titillate’s their customer with not just product shots but also the lure of an appealing lifestyle.

More Than Just A Brand:

Sometimes the best content strategy may superficially have little to do with the brand. Rather it centers on what inspires the brand. Tory Burch pulls a coup on Pinterest with boards dedicated to colors and countries even. Their Gateway to India board is a riot of color, warmth and aesthetic appeal – a great segway towards showcasing a new collection or design strategy, perhaps.

Nostalgia Is A Powerful Emotion:

We love to remember. When brands tap into this basic human emotion, and the sentiments it inspires, visually – it truly is content gold. Oscar De La Renta has a quirky Pinterest strategy with the Oscar PR Girl playing the part of your BFF. In their boards, the brand harnesses their eons in the fashion industry and showcase individuals in a manner that only Oscar De La Renta can – as travel in shades of black and white through time.

2) Recycle Retail.

At the end of the day, a brand does wonder about it’s bottom line – sales. However, social media marketing on Pinterest possesses an interesting tinge in that it shrinks the distance between retailer customer. The Pinteresting tab is a fun way to discover these tidbits of information – Find out which brand is pinning or repinning from where and whom and how brands gently nudge Pinterest users towards purchase when top retailers make the hit list.

For instance, have a look at the Michael Kors Pinterest activity in the last month – Nordstorm, Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdales – all of them get showcased on the brand’s Pinterest boards.

3) Publish Your Personality.

Check out brand activity to discover stats on how a brand publishes its content on Pinterest – How often do they post? What kind of captions do they use? Do they concentrate on one particular board or tackle many at the same time?

For instance, OscarPRGirl tags her images with but a word – sometimes piquant, sometimes naughty – but hey, it works! Don’t you think?

With Unmetric’s Pinterest Analytics, brands can stay on top of the microcontent game. For more on the Unmetric Platform, new developments and how to leverage our amazing features – Follow our ‘Continuing Innovation’ series. You can also discover our exciting infographics on Pinterest or connect with us to give our features a spin, with our free 6 day trial.