By Brandwatch


Get AI-powered insights into any brands’ YouTube strategies

Gather all the social data you need to perform better on YouTube using Unmetric’s powerful YouTube analytics tool. Understand your competitors’ approach to YouTube, track important metrics and KPIs, and fine-tune your own YouTube strategy.

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The ease and speed at which our strategists and analysts are able to pull data is beyond any other social analytics tool we’ve used.”

Matt Schultz
Former Senior Manager Social
Resource Ammirati – An IBM Company

Channel analytics

Track metrics related to your YouTube channel

Get a quick overview of your YouTube channel metrics including your total channel views and subscriber growth rate, average channel views, viewer sentiment, and other engagement metrics.

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Competitive intelligence

Find out how your competitors are performing

Get in-depth insights into your competitors’ performance on YouTube. Check out the average duration of the videos on their channels, analyze viewer sentiment to these videos, and discover which of your competitors has the highest channel views growth rate.


Word cloud

View your most engaging video tags

Find out which of your video tags garnered the most engagement through Unmetric’s word cloud. The darker the word in the word cloud, the higher the engagement.



Get in-depth YouTube analytics reports

Download fully customizable, professionally-formatted reports or schedule them to be delivered right to the inboxes of you and your teammates. These reports give you a comprehensive look at a channel’s subscriber and views growth, top videos, and likes and dislikes.



Unmetric helps brands and agencies decipher any brand’s YouTube strategy.

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